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A Ride With Jesus

A ride with Jesus is the most beautiful and exciting ride you can ever have in a life time.

Jesus is the only companion with real intentions and He makes the ride a memorable one with no strings attached; he expects absolutely nothing in return.

While taking a ride with men, we come across so many problems, most of which men can't do anything about. They laugh at us, judge us, and whenever we start making progress, they seem to have a way of discouraging us. With each ride, they have a deadline and there is a cost to pay.

But with Jesus, there is no room for condemnation or mockery. He doesn't check his time while with us; He have all the time in this world. Even when we give him thousand reasons to leave us, He doesn't leave us, he chases after us. He's got the ability to calm every storm that will arise throughout the journey and his most prioritized purpose is to make sure we arrive at our destiny; safe, sound and victoriously.

Jesus Rocks!
Jesus Loves!
Jesus Saves!
Jesus is the reason behind my Smiles!
I Just love Jesus!

If you crave to have a soothing, joyous and successful ride in life, make Jesus your companion.

Trust in Him!
Trust in his strength!
Trust in His unfailing love! 
Trust in His ability to give you a beautiful ride!


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