Each one of us had our own share of the year 2017 and irrespective how certain things didn't go well, the year was indeed a good one.
The sentences below are just a glimpse of what my year was like; the good and the bad. Check them out.
*Grace kept me alive throughout the year.
*I discovered an entirely new part of God and heyye He provided my needs throughout the year.
*I discovered some parts of me that I never knew existed and I am still in the business of discovering myself.
*I attended lot of events, acquired new skills and expanded my network.
*I had 5 speaking engagements and emceed 3 events.
*Together with the Today's Youth Team, I launched Today's Youth TV.
*I spent most of my time reading and volunteering than I spent on writing.
*On many occasions, I was the answer to the cry of quiet a number of people.
*Few friends gave me real good treats and showed me love in new style, it did blow my mind.
*I failed over and over and yet it seemed normal to me.
*I ended one-sided relationships and made new great friends.
*I achieved one major dream as a writer and soon you will know which dream that is, lol.
*I spent most of my days hosting and prouding radio shows, and I learnt a lot from my number one boss Sports Dr.
*The blows from life are numerous I tell you but I stood firm through it all and life smiled at me.
*I established mentoring relationship with 3 ladies who were willing to do anything to have me mentor them.
*I did set new lifestyle goals and so far it has been worth it.
*I established an entirely new relationship with my readers and listeners and I intend keeping it real.
Huray! 17 sentences they are though my year was beyond that. How was your year? Briefly share with me in the comments section.
Nice one...u really did your best..keep it up