I've seen it all
I've heard it all
I've tasted it all
I've felt it all
I've sensed it all
All of things not in my favour
All of things hostile to my progress
All of things contrary to my joy
All of things against my survival
All of that couldn't stop me
All of that couldn't break me
All of that couldn't steal my joy
All of that couldn't hinder my success
All of that gave me a reason
A reason to strive harder
A reason to keep smiling
A reason to keep on being me
A reason to value my dreams
A reason to value my efforts
A reason that, until there's nothing ahead
No relaxing, No quitting
All of that reminded me;
That I'm great
That I'm super talented
That I can do this and do it well
That the sky is not my limit
All of that;
Makes the journey complete.
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