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Why I Love Spending Time Alone...

In today's world, spending time alone is a difficult task for most young people. We are either on the phone (social media), with friends or doing something entirely different. However, spending time alone is very essential and healthy, and I love doing it for numerous reasons. 

One reason why finding solitude excites me is the fact that it aids me to get things done. Yes, I get things done. Sometimes, the list of things I need to get done becomes longer and longer, and it seems the words are more the action. This is as a result of stress and pressure from people and daily activities. But when I am alone, I am able to figure out, write down, plan and actually get things done. It always works so to get things done I seek solitude.

Whenever I spend time with myself, I have the freedom to be me, to think me and to do me. There's no pressure on how well I perform and no instructions. My thoughts, ideas, words and all movements are totally free from those in my circle of influence. It's all about me.

The opportunity to discover myself all over is one thing I can't overlook. Yes, when I'm free from pressure, influences, normal activities and normal places I hang out, I'm able to unveil parts of me I didn't know existed. I analyze who I was and the occurrences that have made me who I am; what worked for me and what didn't, what excites me and vice versa, etcetera. I also give birth to new interests, capabilities, and new dreams. My self esteem is raised and I fall in love all over with myself.

I get to enhance my relationships. Knowing myself better aids me to choose who to be with and vice versa. I get to analyse each of my relationships as well: realise where I fall short (which I correct later), appreciate the true ones, and put in extra effort to make it better.

Another reason is that I get to work through my problems more effectively. I am able to think about the problems I am currently faced with; what caused each and how to resolve each, and trust me, I'm always able to come out with effective solutions.

And now, that feeling of  contentment and gratitude, makes me fall in love all over with finding solitude. Spending time alone enables me to ponder over all that has ever happened in my life; the good and the bad, and how far God has brought me. It's my way of dodging the report of the world, sorrow and  pessimism. Thoughts of the goodness of God and the numerous blessings sweep in my thought, and thoughts of what others go through also steal their way in. I feel satisfied, loved, cared for and grateful to God for His love.

The list of reasons can go on and on, but heyye I shared those I considered very relevant. When finding solitude, be sure: 

  1. To choose an environment that you ain't farmiliar with (or you don't have friends around).
  2. To choose places where you can admire nature (like the seaside, a garden, etcetera). They have the power to change mood.
  3. Not to take along your phone. If you do, it should not disrupt you. 
Have you ever spent time alone? What are some of the benefits? Share in the comments section to inspire someone.


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